A SaaS Google Ads Consultant
Who Actually Grows your MRR/ARR

Look, running a SaaS business is tough enough without wrestling with stubborn campaigns. Team up with a SaaS Google Ads consultant who knows the ropes & get ready for some serious MRR/ARR growth!

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Sonia Beroud working as an SEO & PPC Consultant

A Google Ads Consultant
Focused On SaaS Growth

Running Google Ads for a SaaS company is no walk in the park. You're up against unique challenges – complex products, cutthroat competition, long sales cycles, tricky attribution, you name it! Generic Google Ads providers just don’t cut it. Yet, you need to keep your pipeline full of MQLs & SQLs.

Enter me - your very own SaaS Google Ads consultant! I get the unique challenges of the SaaS world & master the art of driving growth & boosting MRR for companies like yours. Focus on what you do best - building an amazing SaaS product - while I turn your campaigns from money-drainers to lead-generating machines with targeted, conversion-centric strategies. 

Stop throwing money at Google Ads that don't deliver – take action now!

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Google Ads for SaaS: A Tough Nut to Crack 🐿

Google Ads got you running in circles? You're not alone. When it comes to running Google Ads for SaaS companies, there are some specific pain points that are unique to this vertical, due to both the nature of SaaS products and the market they serve. 

Here's why your current Google Ads might be failing.

Long Sales Cycles with
Many Decision Makers

SaaS purchases aren't made on a whim; they require multiple touchpoints & approvals by different decision-makers. So your buyers take their sweet time & need plenty of hand-holding along the way. This makes measuring immediate ad impact difficult. You need specific strategies to nurture leads from curious onlooker to loyal subscriber, plus comprehensive conversion tracking setups to map & capture the entire journey.

Complex Value Propositions

SaaS products come with complex value propositions that are hard to condense into a short Google ad. You need to master the art of saying a lot with a little to be able to craft an ad copy that hits your ideal customer’s pain points in under 30 characters. Nail this, or risk users scrolling right past!

Cutthroat Competition
& Sky High CACs

SaaS is a crowded space, making it harder to stand out by the minute. This means higher customer acquisition costs (CACs) & a constant fight for visibility. You won’t get a positive ROI (let alone the best bang for your buck) if you’re not using the right targeting, bidding strategies, account structure and budget allocation.

A Constant Balancing Act

Striking the right balance between brand awareness (via display & video ads) and direct conversions (via search ads) is a challenge for SaaS businesses. The struggle is real! But finding this sweet spot is crucial to keep customers engaged throughout their journey & drive more MQLs.

MQLs Don’t Pay the Bills

MQLs are just the beginning. While they fill your pipeline, they surely don’t keep the lights on! Setting up Google Ads to drive MQLs is easy, but turning them into product demos or sales is the real challenge. Optimization towards your bottom line—whether it’s demos, signups, or increased MRR/ARR—is essential.

Zeroing In on Niche Markets

SaaS products often cater to very specific niche markets or verticals. And niche markets need niche strategy. Getting granular in the targeting and ad copy is key to ensure your message reaches the exact right people, not just a random internet crowd.

These challenges are the exact reason why you need a specialist. Someone who speaks both SaaS and Google Ads fluently. Basically, someone like me!

Google Ads for SaaS Is A Necessary Evil

If you want to grow (and who doesn’t?), you need to be where your potential customers are hanging out  - and that's Google! Google Ads is a goldmine for acquiring new users. It isn’t just a nice-to-have for SaaS companies – it’s a must. Done right, it’s your golden ticket to capturing high-intent leads & driving growth.

Full-Funnel Approach

From eye-catching Display & Video ads to effective Search & Performance Max campaigns, use Google Ads to nurture leads at every stage of their journey.

Targeted Reach

Zero in on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) with laser accuracy. No more wasted clicks or ad dollars going down the drain!

Fast Results

Don't wait for SEO to catch up. Achieve quicker results with Google Ads & give your SaaS the initial boost it needs to take off!

A SaaS-Focused Google Ads Consultant:
Your Unfair Advantage

You can’t win the game if you don’t know the rules. And because SaaS companies are not just another lead generation business, your Google Ads partner shouldn’t be just another Google Ads consultant either. Pick someone who knows the rules, so you can win this game.

Specialized Expertise in SaaS Models

I live and breathe SaaS, just like you do. I understand the intricacies of your business model, the unique challenges you face & the opportunities you pursue. Your complex value proposition? Your longer sales cycles? Your high CAC? Been there, done that.

Custom Strategies for SaaS Growth

Forget cookie cutter strategies! I offer a tailored approach to suit your unique needs, aligning Google Ads with your broader marketing objectives. Together, we drive MQLs and SQLs effectively, maximizing trials, demos, and conversions thanks to continuous A/B testing for impactful ad copy & high-converting landing pages.

Understanding of the SaaS Buyer Journey

Understanding the nuances of the SaaS buying cycle is pivotal in developing focused campaigns that cater to each stage of your ICP’s decision-making journey. From the first click to the final purchase, I excel in aligning your Google Ads initiatives seamlessly with your broader marketing & sales strategies.

Optimization for SaaS-Specific Metrics

I focus on driving actual business results through data-driven campaign management & optimization. Forget vanity metrics: I report on the SaaS metrics that matter, like CAC, paying subscribers, LTV, MRR/ARR, ARPU & LTV/CAC, ensuring your Google Ads campaigns foster sustainable growth, not just short-term wins (aka dead-end leads).

Benefits of Partnering with
A SaaS Google Ads Consultant

Harness the expertise of someone who understands the hurdles that come with the SaaS territory.
Watch your MRR/ARR scale with a Google Ads blueprint built specifically for SaaS success!

Laser-Targeted Customer Acquisition

Reach your ICP through laser-focused targeting & capture high-intent leads. Utilize granular audience segmentation to align with the buyer journey, and ensure your ads hit the mark with your ICP!

Scalable Growth

Fuel predictable business growth with a sustainable Google Ads strategy. Leverage machine learning, advanced bidding strategies & continuous campaign optimization to gain new subscribers around the clock!

Improved Conversion Rate Performance

Boost conversions through strategic tracking & account structure, compelling ad copy & optimized landing pages. Let's turn those website visitors into raving fans (and paying customers)!

Freed-Up Internal Resources

Release your team from Google Ads management so they can dedicate more time & energy to other strategic marketing initiatives. Empower them to innovate & drive more growth with a renewed focus!

Reduced CAC & Improved Profitability (LTV/CAC)

Maximize your ROI & achieve breakthrough results with measurable improvements in the KPIs that truly matter. Stop throwing money at the problem & start seeing a real return on your investment!

Confidence In Your Numbers

Gain peace of mind with accurate financial metrics tailored for your stakeholders. Let's ensure your CFO & investors have the insights they need for strategic planning & propeling your SaaS business forward.

Why Work With Me?

You need someone who gets SaaS, not just another generic Google Ads consultant. You need someone who understands the ins and outs of subscription models, long sales cycles, and high CACs. You need… me.

Here's what sets me apart from the generic Google Ads crowd.

Sonia Beroud working as a Search Engine Marketing Consultant

1. Growth-Oriented Approach
I'm focused on business growth, not just campaign management. I go beyond the basics, analyzing your entire marketing funnel (organic search, email marketing, etc.) to identify opportunities for growth & suggest complementary Google Ads strategies.

2. No Cookie Cutter Strategies
Forget one-size-fits-all approaches. I invest time in understanding your business & ICP to tailor a Google Ads strategy that supports sustained growth & aligns perfectly with your long-term vision & business objectives.

3. Transparent Reporting & Communication
No fluff, no BS – Expect transparency, not jargon. My reports are straightforward, providing honest assessments that transform complex data into actionable insights and practical recommendations. 

Want to learn more about me? Don't be shy!

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Google Ads Help For Every Stage of SaaS Growth

Start-Up SaaS companies

Cost-effective strategies to gain initial traction & visibility for early-stage SaaS ventures. Start your journey on the right foot with strategic guidance that maximizes early growth opportunities & delivers real impact.

Scale-Up SaaS companies

Drive scalable customer acquisition strategies without sacrificing efficiency as your SaaS business expands. Leverage my deep industry knowledge & proven methodologies to fuel your expansion with confidence.

Enterprise SaaS Companies

Customized approaches & advanced tactics designed for large-scale campaigns & complex buyer journeys within enterprise SaaS environments. Ensure sustainable growth with strategies crafted for your unique challenges.

My Google Ads Process for SaaS Companies

It's not just about the strategy. It's also about flawless execution.

Offer & Competitor Analysis

Get a comprehensive overview of the market you're operating in to identify where you stand against your competitors and find gaps & opportunities that can be leveraged for your growth.

Laser-Focused Targeting

Leverage advanced techniques to reach qualified leads most likely to convert into paying subscribers. Expect nothing less than detailed keyword research & strategic audience segmentation strategies.

Performance Tracking Powerhouse

Set up advanced conversion tracking that goes beyond MQLs, providing in-depth insights into user behavior and campaign performance, and fully integrated with your CRM & analytic systems for a holistic view.

Continuous A/B Testing (Ad, CRO)

Craft and A/B test persuasive ad copy that resonates with your ICP, and ensure your landing pages are conversion-focused & drive desired actions.

Structure & Campaign Mix

Design targeted campaigns that align with your budget and goals, strategically blending brand awareness (Display & YouTube) and direct response (Search) campaigns for maximum impact.

Data-Driven Campaign Management

Analyze your funnel to identify key areas for growth and boost trial sign-ups and conversions, constantly fine-tuning your campaigns for maximum efficiency and ROI.

SaaS Client Testimonials

That's what they said.

Sonia is an expert whose innovative work has profoundly transformed our Google Ads and Meta campaigns. Following her intervention, our SaaS software now benefits from remarkably improved performance. Her level of expertise is impressive, combining a deep understanding of technicalities with a clear strategic vision.


It's a pleasure working with Sonia. She is very professional, methodical, has SO much knowledge in both SEO and paid media and she constantly thinks what can be done to improve our SaaS brand's performance ever more. We are very lucky to be working with her!


Sonia is an experienced paid marketing and advertising professional. She was able to reduce our cost per install by over 60%, demonstrating her proficiency in optimizing ad campaigns. Furthermore, Sonia is a fantastic individual who communicates clearly and directly, making her easy to work with. We would highly recommend her services!


Sonia is a great addition to my team! She's able to get super entrenched on everything going on and drive amazing account growth. A top talent for sure!


Included in my Google Ads packages for SaaS

Yellow circle

Google Ads Audit

Identify opportunities for improvement
& hidden growth potential.

Conversion tracking & Setup

Targeting (keyword & audience)

Campaign structure

Bid strategies

Creatives (ads, landing pages)

Performance & Recommendations

Get A Quote

Google Ads Monthly Management

Let me handle the nitty-gritty
& boost your ROI.

Conversion tracking adjustments

Keyword & Audience optimization

Bids & Bid Strategy Management

A/B Testing & Experiments

Analytics & Reporting

Get A Quote
Black particle cloud

Custom Google Ads Services

If your needs are difficult
to package, this is the way to go!

On-demand Google Ads support

Custom Google Ads consulting

Individual training sessions

Group training sessions

Google Ads workshops

Get A Quote

Why wait? ⏰
Your SaaS product deserves a personalized roadmap to success.

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    Got questions? I’ve got answers!

    1.Does Google Ads even work for SaaS companies?
    Oh, 100%! Google Ads can be a goldmine for SaaS companies, but you need the right playbook. Think of it as wooing your customers instead of just pitching them. It's all about building a connection, not just making a sale!
    2.How is SaaS Google Ads different from, well, regular Google Ads?
    Great question! SaaS Google Ads require a more nuanced approach due to longer sales cycles, subscription models, and high competition. Think long sales cycles, customer lifetime value, and way less focus on one-time purchases. We're building relationships, not just making quick sales.
    3.How Does Google Ads benefit SaaS companies?
    Google Ads is your ticket to accelerating SaaS growth. It hones in on potential customers and cultivates a steady stream of qualified leads. It’s not just about visibility – it’s about driving meaningful conversions.
    4.Should I outsource Google Ads for my SaaS company to a fancy consultant like you?
    If you want an expert to drive qualified MQLs & SQLs, optimize for SaaS-specific metrics (think beyond just leads), and achieve sustainable growth, then, well, yeah!
    5.What results can I expect from Google Ads management tailored for SaaS?
    Expect increased MQLs, higher trial conversions, and a sweet, sweet reduction in your CAC through targeted campaigns designed specifically for SaaS growth.
    6.How do Google Ads services for SaaS work? What’s included?
    From initial strategy development to ongoing optimization, expect tailored campaigns focused on maximizing MRR & ARR growth. In your initial free consultation, we'll discuss your specific business challenges & opportunities, laying the groundwork for targeted campaigns that deliver tangible results.
    7.What qualities should I look for in a SaaS Google Ads consultant?
    Look for someone who speaks fluent SaaS (they understand your challenges), has a proven track record of success (think case studies with real results), and has a strategic approach to growing your business, not just managing your ads (think beyond the campaign and into your overall marketing funnel). Basically, look for someone like me!
    8.What types of Google Ads campaigns do you specialize in?
    I specialize in all Google Ads campaign types, from search & performance max to display & video. I’ve got your whole funnel covered!
    9.How do you approach keyword targeting and audience segmentation for SaaS companies on Google Ads?
    By understanding the SaaS buyer journey and utilizing advanced targeting techniques, I ensure your ads reach the most qualified leads. I use detailed keyword research and advanced audience segmentation techniques to reach your ICP.
    10.What level of communication and reporting will I receive?
    You’ll get transparent communication and detailed reports on MQLs, SQLs, and campaign performance, ensuring alignment with your business growth objectives.
    11.What is the cost of Google Ads management for SaaS companies?
    Pricing varies based on campaign complexity and goals, with tailored packages starting at $2,000/month to maximize your ROI. Think of it as an investment in the future growth of your SaaS empire!