Your Certified
Digital Marketing

Sonia Beroud working as a digital marketing consultant at Berso

Types of digital marketing services I offer

Partner with a certified digital marketing consultant
to expand your internet marketing & get more leads on the web.


Improve your online visibility & get qualified traffic from people who are actively searching for the products or services you offer.


Reach your target audience quickly and effectively by placing ads at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) on Google & Bing.

Local SEO

Make it easier for potential customers in your local area to find you when they are actively looking for products or services you offer.

Paid Social

Reach a highly targeted audience on social media platforms where your potential customers hang out, such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.


Get tailored digital marketing advice & solutions to address the specific challenges and opportunities faced by your business.


Brush up on your digital marketing skills & get your team up to speed with the latest digital marketing trends.

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Why should you hire
a digital marketing consultant?

There are multiple benefits of working with a digital marketing consultant, including (but not limited to)...



A digital marketing consultant has specialized knowledge and experience in the field. They are up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, and can help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing.



As an executive or business owner, you likely have a lot on your plate. Hiring a digital marketing consultant can save you time by allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business, while they handle your digital marketing strategy.



A digital marketing consultant is focused on achieving results. They can help you set measurable goals for your marketing efforts, and can provide insights and analytics to help you track your progress.

Why work with me?

I like to think that I'm an ideal blend of experience and passion.

Experience, because with over a decade of digital marketing under my belt, I've been around the block quite a few times, and know a thing or two about marketing in the digital age.

Passion, because despite having navigated the digital marketing jungle for the past 12 years, my enthusiasm for it remains undiminished. Believe it or not, it actually grew over the years, and given the choice, there's nothing else I would do. Boring, I know.

Interested in learning more?

About Me
Sonia Beroud working as an SEO & PPC Consultant
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How I work:
process & approach

My personal motto? A well-oiled process always beats a random best guess.



Would you allow your doctor to prescribe drugs without having diagnosed you first? Then you shouldn't let your digital marketing partner recommend a strategy before they get a thorough understanding of your business goals and review your web presence either. Digital marketing is a data-driven field, and all my recommendations are based on facts, not beliefs or assumptions.

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Once I get a better understanding of your business goals and digital performance, I craft a strategic plan with digital marketing services aligned with your business objectives and tailored to your needs. On top of your digital marketing roadmap, I also identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we will track together to evaluate the performance of our collaboration and the initiatives we implement.



As much as I love to strategize, strategies alone don't drive results: actions do. So once we agree on what your digital marketing plan should be, I become your right hand and assist you in the day-to-day execution of your digital marketing plan. Then we review performance, learn, and improve. Rinse and repeat. Time to get our hands dirty (mostly mine, don't worry)!

Client & Partner testimonials

That's what they said.

Sonia is outstanding! She has been an absolute game-changer for our company. Her expertise and analytical prowess have been invaluable in optimizing our campaigns, maximizing returns on our ad spend, and keeping our brand thriving amidst fierce competition. We fully credit her for our renewed profitability and recommend her wholeheartedly to any business needing a top-notch media buyer.

Sonia is by far one of the most talented and sharp digital marketers/media buyers our company has ever worked with. We hired her after going through so many agencies. They all over promised and under delivered. Sonia was just different. She knows her stuff, she always worked the extra mile to get us results and they show! We love working with her. Highly recommend!

Sonia is a great addition to my team! She's able to get super entrenched on everything going on and drive amazing account growth. A top talent for sure!

Sonia is an experienced paid marketing and advertising professional. She was able to reduce our cost per install by over 60%, demonstrating her proficiency in optimizing ad campaigns. Furthermore, Sonia is a fantastic individual who communicates clearly and directly, making her easy to work with. We would highly recommend her services!

Sonia is a well-rounded & well-versed marketing professional. She is trustworthy and very knowledgeable about best SEO practices, and anything related to digital marketing. If you're in search for ways to elevate your online presence, Sonia can happily conduct an audit for you and provide result-backed solutions & strategies.

Working with Sonia has been amazing. She will go the extra mile to make sure projects are completed with great quality, and sometimes within tight deadlines. Highly recommend!
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